During the lockdown due to covid19, most of the people have come front to share their unique recipes to explore the foodie in us. Kerala, the south Indian state witnessed a trending recipe challenge called ‘Bucket Chicken challenge’ which got massive attention across the country. There are plenty of making videos of this recipe that have been posted on social media platforms amid these days. As the name says, this recipe is made with a chicken and a bucket. This is taken or considered as a challenge seeing that most of the recipe makings gone wrong, the chicken got fried completely or more than enough by just leaving the chicken bones. A lot of folks took part in this challenge and shared their success/fail stories through their feeds. Now let us have look at how to do this challenge with fewer requirements.
Ingredients to do the bucket chicken challenge
- A whole chicken which you need to give stripes
- Salt according to your need.
- Large eggs -2
- Lemons -2
- Curd -2 tablespoon.
- Paste or a mix of 4 green chilies, coriander leaves, small mint, curry leaves, 1 onion and tomato using a grinder
- Powder or grinder mix consists of 2 tablespoon coriander with 4 dried chilly and a small number of cumin seeds which heated in a pan.
- A mix of ginger and garlic paste.
How to make?
Take two eggs in a big bowl and mix well with the remaining ingredients. Put two tablespoon chili powder, coriander, and mix it well. Paste this masala on the whole chicken and inside through the stripes we made and keep it in a refrigerator for two hours. Take a bucket made of aluminum and clean it properly. Prefer aluminum Can instead of the bucket if you have. Because aluminum Cans having more success rate in this challenge than the bucket which has a chance of spoiling the chicken due to excessive fire getting inside. Take a thick wooden stick and fix it strongly to the ground properly. Make sure it won’t move by any force. Keep an aluminum foil on the ground just below the stick. Aluminum foil should be larger than the length of the bucket /can. Place banana leaves on the foil. Keep/insert or tie the whole chicken on the stick now. Tie the legs along with the stick thoroughly so it won’t spread when it grilled. Ensure that whole chicken won’t move from the stick while firing. Place the bucket/can above the stick. Bucket/can touch the ground now. Put a weight or a stone on the bucket/can and make sure it won’t move during the fire. Roll and cover the below side of the bucket with the aluminum foil and banana leaves which we placed on the ground. It should cover all space and holes between the can/bucket and ground. You should ensure that the fire won’t go inside through the space below the bucket /can at any cost. Fire the bucket now. After 15-20 minutes remove all the foils and take the bucket. If the chicken is grilled properly and in a condition to eat, considered that you are successfully passed the bucket challenge.